Runaway Shuttle

Runaway Shuttle

Miles and M.E.R.C. rescue a trapped pilot before his ship crashes into Jupiter's fiery moon, Io.

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Surfin the Whirlpool

Surfin the Whirlpool

On a father/son surf trip, Miles and Leo must work together to escape the Zuma Whirlpool.

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Ocean in Motion

Ocean in Motion

Miles and his family must figure out why a probe stationed on a dry planet has sustained water damage.

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Explorer Exchange

Explorer Exchange

The Callisto family is visited by alien Blodger Blopp as part of a Cosmic Explorers exchange program.

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Game On

Game On

When the Callisto family is captured by an alien queen, Miles must rely on his simulated gaming skills to save them.

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How I Saved My Summer Vacation

How I Saved My Summer Vacation

While vacationing on the dry planet of Alarbus, Miles and Loretta uncover an ancient secret.

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Journey to the Frozen Planet

Journey to the Frozen Planet

During a mission on an ice-covered planet, Miles must save Loretta when she is swept down a river towards a waterfall.

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Attack of the Flickorax

Attack of the Flickorax

When the lights go out on the planet Calpurnia, Miles and Loretta must protect their ship from light-eating Flickorax aliens.

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Catch That IOTA!

Catch That IOTA!

Miles' attempt to fix Leo's latest gadget sends a diplomatic dinner into complete chaos.

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Mighty Merc

Mighty Merc

Merc worries that his place with the Callisto family is threatened when they try out a new robot named Axel.

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Who Stole the Stelloshpere?

Who Stole the Stelloshpere?

When space thief Gadfly Garnett sneaks onboard the Stellosphere and blasts away with Miles and M.E.R.C. still inside, Miles' UNCLE Joe, captain of the SpaceGuard, comes to the rescue.

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Rock N' Roll

Rock N

When a moonquake traps the Callistos behind a rockslide, Miles must use his strength-enhancing Exo-Flex suit to save them.

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Happy Captain's Day

Happy Captain

Miles, Loretta and Leo try to give Captain Phoebe a great Captain's Day by embarking on a difficult space task.

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Planet of the Plants

Planet of the Plants

During a mission to Antheia, a planet completely covered with orange plants, the Callistos discover something stranger than the plants.

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Ride of the Quarkons

Ride of the Quarkons

The Callistos encounter a pod of Quarkons blocking the Photon Superhighway.

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When the Callisto family is accidently shrunken down by the Tomorrowland Mail-alien, the tiny family must work together to help Merc save an off-course starship.

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To the Goldilocks Zone

To the Goldilocks Zone

Miles helps scout out the perfect planet for his Earth friend Haruna to live on.

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Hiccup in the Plan

Hiccup in the Plan

The Callistos must figure out how to escape when a giant Sporjot alien swallows the Stellosphere.

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On Spaceguard

On Spaceguard

Miles goes on a ride-along with his uncle, Captain Joe of the SpaceGuard, and finds himself in pursuit of space villain Gadfly Garnett.

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Spaceship Invader

Spaceship Invader

Miles brings home a fuzzy rock to add to his collection and soon learns it is actually an alien life form.

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The Great Blastboard Chase

The Great Blastboard Chase

Miles borrows Leo's Blastboard without permission and discovers an alien dinosaur.

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Adventures in Robot-Pet Sitting

Adventures in Robot-Pet Sitting

On a mission to transport robo-animals to their new families, the Callistos hit a road block on the Tethosphere.

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When the StarJetter crash lands on an uninhabited planet, the Callistos must survive without the help of technology.

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The Callistos must track down the culprit responsible for dumping trash into the orbit around the planet Alarbus.

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Mama Merc

Mama Merc

Miles must help his family when a giant winged creature mistakes the Star Jetter for its egg.

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Space Race

Space Race

Miles learns a lesson in sportsmanship when he enters the Tomorrowland Pilot of the Future race.

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The Neptune Adventure

The Neptune Adventure

During a field trip to Neptune, a malfunction causes the research station to flip over and sink.

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Eye to Eye

Eye to Eye

The Callistos encounter Spectryx, an alien who can only see in the infrared spectrum.

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Yuri's Night


On Yuri's Night, the Callistos are tasked with bringing alien musician Bootjet Groovestar to the Tethoscape.

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I, Stella

I, Stella

When Stella's system experiences a technical malfunction, Miles must figure out a way to fix it.

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Frozen Food

Frozen Food

When the Callistos' have dinner at alien chef Lysander Floovox's new restaurant, their meal is interrupted by Gadfly Garnett.

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Later Multivator

Later Multivator

Miles attempts to follow in his dad's footsteps by modifying the Stellosphere's multivator.

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Lunar New Year

Lunar New Year

Miles' grandparents join the Callistos to celebrate the Luna New Year.

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The Hoverbike Diaries

The Hoverbike Diaries

Miles is invited to go on his first hoverbike road trip with Leo and Captain Joe

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The Search for Skellig Ro

The Search for Skellig Ro

Miles and Loretta meet Master Skellig Ro, a legendary guru in the martial art Naxos

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Endangered Species

Endangered Species

The Callistos must find a way to save a group of creatures that fight against them.

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The Callistos discover a tiny race of creatures living inside an oncoming asteroid.

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Magnetic Merc

Magnetic Merc

M.E.R.C. becomes magnetized after getting stuck in an interstellar dust cloud.

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A Growing Problem

A Growing Problem

The Callistos must use robots to save a planet from an invasive species of moss.

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The Tardigrade Escapade

The Tardigrade Escapade

The Callistos launch a search and rescue mission when a massive tardigrade escapes Dr. Rubicon's lab and gets lost in space.

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Miles vs. The Volcano

Miles vs. The Volcano

The Callistos search for Phoebe's missing sister Frida and must rescue her before Mars' volcano erupts.

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Scavengers of Mars

Scavengers of Mars

A scavenger hunt turns into a rescue mission when Miles' friend disappears.

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Unexpected Ally

Unexpected Ally

Gadfly helps the Callistos locate stolen space equipment.

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Miles and his friends must act quickly when a new space elevator malfunctions.

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Ghost Moon

Ghost Moon

the Callistos are sent to investigate eerie sightings on a dark moon.

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Stormy Night in a Dark Nebula

Stormy Night in a Dark Nebula

The Callistos enter a dark nebula and find some spooky inhabitants.

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Team Exo-Flex

Team Exo-Flex

An Exo-Flex training session becomes complicated for Miles and his friends.

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Dino World

Dino World

The Callistos search for the missing Professor Rubicon, who was last seen researching ancient dinosaur fossils.

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The Pluto Rescue

The Pluto Rescue

Miles, Loretta and Auntie Frida's trip to Pluto coincides with Commander S'Leet's plan to take over a planet.

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The Taking of the Solar Express

The Taking of the Solar Express

Miles and Haruna must stop Gadfly from a galactic heist of a new solar-powered space train.

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The Space Trader

The Space Trader

M.E.R.C. volunteers to help catch the thief responsible for a slew of recent robot thefts.

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The Quantum Cup

The Quantum Cup

Queen Gemma's family gets diverted on their way to compete against the Callistos in the Quantum Cup.

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The Legend of the Sandelion

The Legend of the Sandelion

The Callistos travel to the planet of Sandrosk to save a colony from a sandstorm.

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The Mystery of Atlantix

The Mystery of Atlantix

The Callistos are sent to Pipp's underwater hometown of Atlantix, but their mission is interrupted.

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The Hitchhiker's Ride Through the Galaxy

The Hitchhiker

Mayhem ensues when the Callistos bring aboard a group of mischievous critters.

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Escape From the Tethoscape

Escape From the Tethoscape

When the Stellosphere is out of commission, Miles and Loretta call on their friends for help.

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The Discovery Expedition

The Discovery Expedition

The Callistos' Christmas trip is interrupted by a villain named S'leet who causes it to snow inside the Tethoscape!

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Snow Globe

Snow Globe

Loretta discovers a hidden planet full of snow and ice.

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Galactech: Secrets of the Black Hole

Galactech: Secrets of the Black Hole

When a black hole reveals a clue left by an ancient race, the Callistos discover a secret galaxy containing the key to saving their own.

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List of Episodes